Friday, October 17, 2014

Journal Jumping

This assignment sent me through cyberspace on a journey of discovery. I know the blogs I like but I thought I need to find new ones. Then I realized I don't.  The following blogs/online journals are a few of my favorites because the interest me. I will admit, I follow many, many art related journals.  So I chose just one. I hope you enjoy our Cyber Hawaiian Roller Coaster ride together... (think Lilo & Stitch)

As an artist, I spend a lot of time surfing the internet for inspiration.  I began scrapbooking in 1999. I fell in love with the idea of creating photo albums that not only displayed my family and friends but also and much more importantly, told our story.  I have and always will be a scrapbooker. It is essentially a photo biography. 
Anyway, Megan Hoeppner is an industry leader and is more than inspiration she is my friend.  We worked together in the paper arts industry before I left to pursue other interest (school).  Often her talent just simply amazes me.  I always learn something new and creative.  She is incredibly talented.  I love art all forms, something about paper that just makes me smile.
I need to give a little background perhaps so you can have a better understanding of “Project Life”.  A push to simplify scrapbooking began really several years ago, however,  recently it has become more than just an idea and has exploded into a movement.  Project life is a product that improved on the previous concept of sleeve scrapbooking.  In a nutshell, you can purchase “core kits” and take photos put them in the pre-designed layouts of the sleeves, add the journaling cards , embellish a few of the cards and BAM.. done.  I have many scrapbook albums –but when I did my first Project Life I took one photo every day for a year. It was a HUGE undertaking, but it was fantastic.  I look at that album all the time. It tells our life for a full year.  A memory captured from every single day! Not all Project Lifers do a photo a day, but I did. It was amazing!  I plan to do it again next year.

Megan's Blog Post HERE


As a writer, I frequent many blogs, written of course by other writers.  Most often I will read then for the information and knowledge of my fellow wordsmiths.  However, there is one blog that I truly appreciate that the author keeps it real, shares not only ideas on writing but also shares real life.  It is a working journal if you will.  Sprinkled among the do’s and don’ts of the writing world are snippets of life.  Below find one that is something I was able to comment on as I have stood in the shoes of the author and hope that I can offer some comfort to the author.   This author is also one of the top ten “writer’s blogs” of 2013.  There is a lot of great information shared on this blog.

Eat Your World LogoAs a person, I love to eat and traveling is becoming a huge interest to me.  My husband and I love to experience new places and good food.  I stumbled on this blog while looking for information on good bicycle spots. We are planning to bicycle across the United States. I found this blog and fell in love. I often on my trips with my husband take photos of the food we eat and then journal about them in my travel journals.  This blog is a perfect fit for my interest in both food and travel!

Who wouldn't love a blog called Eat your World Here is the LINK

I posted to Terrible Minds, I have not heard back anything from my posting.  I chose to respond to this blog post because I understood it. I had something to express.  I wanted to offer comfort to a fellow human being that is struggling with a very sad and very real situation.

I suppose my experience with blogs is connection. You learn and share with people through words.  It is powerful. Sometimes I will respond to a post or a comment and it can be a beautiful dialogue and other times it is simply that, me putting in my .02 cents.  It still allows me to make a connection.  Blogs/online journals allows me to find others with my interest.  I subscribe to many blogs on many different subjects.  I am addicted to learning.  I love it. I love to read about the Deaf Community, art, mastering written word, accounting, Germanic culture, Ireland, delicious food.   

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