Thursday, October 30, 2014

Falling! - by Pocket Full of Rocks

If there were ever a medium that allows me to get lost in my own creativity it is music.  I find a great deal of inspiration in the melodies and the lyrics (which truly are poetry set to sound).  Many years ago a band by the name of Pocket Full of Rocks released an album called "Song to the King".  I am pretty sure I wore the original CD I purchased completely out!  The lead vocalist voice touches me.  I can feel his absolute love for Christ.  When I listen to this song it is a reminder that I am so far from perfect but so dearly loved.  It frees me of my self and opens my heart! 

The CD has been followed by many others. PFOR is one of my favorite bands and I have all their albums.  There is something about the vocals, I can't place it, it is deep and at times sorrowful and I can feel the plea to understand why a God so big would love me enough to seek me!  When I first heard this CD I was travelling a lot, I would put on my headphones and night and fall asleep listening to the beautiful melodies that came with such deep meaningful lyrics. 

This entire CD but particularly this song "Falling" and "Worth Everything"  opened my heart to hear God's voice.  I learned that He(God) had a special place for me, He wanted me to embrace my writing and to move forward, This song changed my life. It made me stronger as a person and deepened my faith to an unshakable understanding of the Truth of God's love. 

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