Sunday, August 31, 2014

Creative Clustering

So this week kind of made me mad.  Here we were cooler temps, nice rain storms cooling us off then BAM the number didn't creep up but SHOT up and boy was I pissed!  I am ready for the cooler weather, I mean we are already in school.  I mean don't get me wrong, I get a few 101s but what is this 109 crap?

Well I guess I should be a bit thankful as it got me thinking about clustering thoughts of Summer.  I have so many good memories of summer.I was lucky enough to experience many great summers, both in and escaping the Arizona Heat!  I also explored some future destination I would like to visit to escape this nasty heat!  I found my mind was wandering from the present to the past and the future.  So here is a peek at my cluster.

So many things started popping into my head as I thought about summer and what it means. I had a great idea once I finished the cluster for a creative non-fiction piece. I am excited to put something on paper now that I have rooted around in my brain for a bit. I loved the Text2Mind Maps site (click the link to check it out).  I must confess, I did my mindmap on paper first-- mostly because I work better with pen and paper.  As I transcribed my cluster map I found this site to be much easier to use than I originally thought!   WHAT cool stuff we learn!  


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