Sunday, September 14, 2014

Prompt Five: Revision

Examining "Leaky Bottles" 

This piece was an actual journal entry.  I did not pay close attention to the spelling and grammar errors.  This of course is part of writing. I just wanted to express myself onto the page.  I sought to have a full circle effect to my piece and feel it lacks slightly.  I believe that the transitions will need to be refined.  I have had time to reflect on the piece and have found several ways to add more concrete details for my readers.  I do think that the consistency is strong each segment pulls from the previous and then circles back to the start.  I will be working polish this piece not only with corrections to the errors in basic grammar but in the movement.  I think that the choppiness is from early stages of writing but as my ideas have been rolling around a bit since I put the first words to the page, I have had opportunity to see deeper into the ideas in my work.  I see potential in this piece and hope to make it more than just a journal entry (Hoorah!  That was my goal for the class!)

1 comment:

  1. Erika: You seem to be on top of all things related to this class --- would you be kind enough to give me a little help.

    I sent our instructor Betsy Wheeler the email shown below. I have completed Prompt 5 Revision, but I see nothing regarding the Peer Review. I am at a total loss.
    You can reach me at; anything you say will be strictly confidential.
    Thanks, Roderick
    To: Betsy Wheeler
    I received an email this AM as follows:

    Subject: The first revision of your polished piece is due tonight!: GC 2014 FALL-CRW204 17097
    Please turn in your first revision of your polished piece tonight. Then read the assigned peer review paper of another student in the class and make comments on how to improve it. To find out how to submit peer reviews, go to

    Is "first revision of your polished piece" the item called Writing Prompt 5 Revision?

    I see nothing in my dashboard To Do list about the peer review?

    When can I expect to see the Peer Review in my Dashboard?

    When must the Peer Review be completed?

    Thanks for your help, Don McIver
